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How Covid Made Virtual Events Better

Because of the epidemic, virtual events are being adopted at a rate we could never have predicted. Within months, changes that may have otherwise taken years have come to pass. According to Ben Pring, a futurist, and co-founder of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work, “COVID-19 is swiftly making the future the present.”

Motivating Workers Throughout The World

A more accurate picture of how businesses fared during the rapid move to remote employment will take time, but the long-term consequences are top of mind. According to a July study by KPMG, 64 per cent of respondents “want the freedom to work at least part of the time remotely,” although 59 per cent of respondents also said “the wish to be in the onsite or office most of the time,”

The pandemic has forced organizations to reexamine long-standing practices and adopt a more virtual, global approach, despite conflicting feelings about returning to the office. The ability of technology to bring together geographically scattered talent pools has been well established during this period. Remote and in-person collaboration has become easier because of technological advances such as Virtual Events, video conferencing, messaging, and other forms of teamwork. By embracing these new methods, businesses have drawn on a larger pool of potential employees and kept them on board worldwide, giving individuals in underserved areas a fair shot at good jobs.

Providing Higher Education Over The Internet

Christensen predicted that 50% of American universities would fail within 10 to 15 years as online education disrupted traditional financial models in his 2011 book, The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out.

This may not have been a pandemic-related event, but Christensen was right on the money with his disruption prediction. In our experience, virtual events have shown to be a valuable tool for speeding up learning and training. Michigan Virtual, an online learning academy, has produced high school students who outperform their in-class counterparts in advanced placement courses.

As institutions continue to delay their reopenings, they are compelled to adapt to a tale-everything mentality, which is becoming increasingly common. More digital and hybrid models are likely to be available in the future. This will benefit both workers who wish to improve their abilities and employers that need to retrain their personnel.

Telehealth Services

As doctors gain more experience and develop more at-home diagnostic equipment, the services they can deliver remotely will expand. There are a lot of advantages that could come from this. When it comes to vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and those with long-term health conditions, it may be possible to eliminate unnecessary visits to the doctor or hospital. Virtual medicine allows people to access more specialized care because of the scarcity of qualified medical experts in underdeveloped countries.


Businesses, governments, and other organizations must discover solutions to close the current gaps in access and expertise to realize the full promise of virtual events. Achieving this over a long period could have enormous benefits for the world’s population.

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